Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: May 12, 1993
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textfmt - convert text to PostScripttm for facsimile transmission  


${LIBEXEC}/textfmt [ -12 ] [ -B ] [ -c ] [ -D ] [ -f font ] [ -G ] [ -m columns ] [ -o width ] [ -p pointsize ] [ -r ] [ -R ] [ -s pagesize-name ] [ -U ] [ -Ml=#,r=#,t=#,b=# ] [ -V vertical-spacing ] [ files... ]  


textfmt takes ASCII text and generates formatted PostScripttm suitable for facsimile transmission. It is usually invoked as a filter program by the sendfax(1) program.

Input files may be specified on the command line. If none are given, then textfmt will read from standard input.

By default, textfmt will generate an output document that is formtted with a single vertical column of text, set in a 10 point fixed width font, and has a simple page header that consists of the file name, last modification date, and the page number. Pages are generated according to the default page dimensions (see pagesizes(4F)). When multi-column output is requested, text is set by default with a 7 point fixed width font.  


Many of the options to textfmt have been chosen for compatibility with the Adobe Systems' enscript program; other options are for features that are not provided by enscript.
set text in one column.
set text two columns.
suppress page headers.
clip long text lines instead of wrapping them at page margins.
do not use ISO 8859-1 encoding in the generated PostScript.
use the specified font for setting text.
use a gaudy-style page header.
set text in the specified number of columns.
set the page margins; the default margins are: left and right .25 inch, top .85 inch, bottom .5 inch.
draw an outline around each column of text; the specified number defines the width of the line that is drawn.
use the specified point size for setting text.
set pages rotated by 90 degrees (in ``Landscape mode'').
set pages unrotated (in ``Portrait mode'').
use the page dimensions associated with the the named page size.
reverse collate pages; that is the last page will appear first in the resultant PostScript, then the next-to-last page, etc.
set the vertical spacing; default is 1.2 x point size.


If textfmt is unable to locate font metric information for a font, then it will use a fixed-width metric that is 60% of the text point size; this metric will almost certainly result in incorrectly formatted PostScript.

textfmt is derived from the lptops program written by Don Beebe.  


${LIBDATA}/pagesizes    page size database
${AFMDIR}               font metric files


flexfax(1), sendfax(1), pagesizes(4F)




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